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365 Letters to Myself

July 27th, Thank you for being a friend...

What a great place to be, I am having trouble deciding what I want to write about, because I have so many options of what I could write about...a wonderful 24 hours of content! But I must pick one. I shall go with the gift of my high school girlfriends, love them! Love that our relationships continue now for 40+ years!! We are usually much better about seeing each other but this time, it had been 8 months, yikes. I was feeling it to. There is something about the grounding in our lives of girlfriends, and when you have years of the friendship as well, it's like therapy! At a time of too much feeling off, wrong, uncertain - what a blessing to spend time with those that remain anchors in your life. My rocky boat feels calmer today after our connection.

There was a lot to catch up on. We each took our turn going through the kids, partnerships, work, parents, health, and a dabbling at the current events. Each of us kind of had a particular area we zeroed in on more - me-mom, there was diagnosis updates, concerns about excessive using, disappointment of the direction our alma mater is going and much more. What is called out sounds gloomy, but it wasn't 'sad', there was concern, caring, joy in being able to hear what life all are living and that we can share it, be in it with each other as it is. Concluding with the wonderful memory of celebrating our 50th birthdays together, realizing there are pictures we didn't all have, and the file shared...great time was had!! Departing with big, warm hugs.

Reflecting upon it now is giving my day energy I wasn't feeling earlier. Life is abundant! Grateful!!

Kennebunkport ME - great trip, 2017!

Hmmm, friend in need, friend indeed…day 15!

Thank you if you choose to join the journey. Let's hope it is more fun than tears!

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